Hey y'all. I didn't think this was going to be a continuing thing, but I've been watching let's plays of the Dark Seed games, and it's like the developers of their second game really didn't want their sequel to work out. It's like they did almost everything possible to make sure the game was weird and you hated the main character. Normally I'm not a horror fan, as most horror these days is all gore and no scare. However, the Dark Seed games are so cheesy hilarious, I figured I might check them out.
The first game was actually pretty decent. It centers around professional writer Mike Dawson, who has just bought a really creepy house, for some inexplicable reason. His first night there, he dreams that an alien baby has been implanted in his head. From the headaches Mike experiences every morning, you figure the dream was real. This is a horror game, after all.
So Mike has to do several things and claim several seemingly insignificant items to enter the dark world, a place more or less parallel to the normal world, only creepier and nastier. From here, he has to find a way to stop the ancients, an alien race, from using the baby in his head to take over both worlds -- because apparently, while creepy, the normal darkworlders are just....well, normal. One of them, a disembodied head, is the person who sends Mike dreams every night and helps him win the game.
There are several problems with this game. First of all, it is very, very difficult. Without a walkthrough, you will find yourself dying several times. And because you don't pick up a specific object, or don't complete a task fast enough, you can easily get yourself into an unwinnable state without even realizing it. Also, every time you die, the game forces you to go back to the beginning, including watching the scene of Mike getting a baby implanted in his head again. Save early, save often.
But overall the game itself was pretty good. Not the best thing in the world, but it was a great start to a potentially rewarding franchise. If the second game hadn't happened, anyway.